^_^ Wuaaahhh Posting pertama... hehehe..
Well, this is my third posts to be exact..
But becoz of some unconditional things,..
akhirnya blog aku pindah kesini de.. hehehe..
Have u ever wonder,
knp title-nya "Creamy Strawberry Days"?
karna aku.. suka strawberry! ^^;
bentuknya unik, gitu loh..
kecil kayak aku.. :D
so sweet...
mmmh.. even though some would taste so sour
ya begitu de, yg mau aku tulis disini..
All my days, spt strawberry..
Kadang2 ada manis2nya..
Kadang2 ada asemnya.. hehehe..
n I'd share those days of mine here... ^_^
Whoaa.. knp jd ngomongin title..?
Yeah,.. my days start again..